Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"t'was an act of god"

This is how Norberto Aguro, the captain of the tanker responsible for the oil spill in Guimaras (the worst in Philippine history), explains the incident. What he's saying is, "Don't blame me, blame the Almighty." So he wants God to face investigation?

Somebody coined a word for this dude, and that word is "doofus."

On the issue of his expired license, he says, "So what? I've been captain for 25 years. I've sailed around the world." The logic! John Wayne Gacy had more class.

If I were God, I'd come down my throne, give this moron a good conk on the head, tell him, "You shithead! You fuck up and it's my fault?"

Guy probably had a brain once, but it ran away. The same goes with his employers.


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