Friday, July 28, 2006

nervous breakdown

Don't you just hate it when every after SONA everyone becomes a political analyst? It's as if they were clueless on what to expect and were surprised at what they heard. Of course it's always lies, my friend, the long-legged kind. And promises that you can bet your fat ass will go nowhere. And statistics that are as bloated as a five-day old floater, to complete the fairy tale. In short, it's the same damn crazy shit every year. So why strain your neck nerves shrieking about it?

I call it Post-SONA Nervous Breakdown. This should go down to Psychiatry books. Let's discuss royalty.


Blogger Any given madness said...

I wasnt able to catch the SONA. I'm not sure if it was a good or a bad thing. I'll add you up as a link to mine. I hope it ok.

10:44 PM  
Blogger 45/M/PH here said...

Feel free, dude. Thanks.

10:55 AM  
Blogger benj said...

It was suppose to be all about the "CURRENT" STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS, but what happened was a show of the "FUTURE" STATE OF THE NATION address.

She should have just maximized her speech about future projects that are way over the top making it unrealistic.

5:20 PM  

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